BBC news report To drown out the noise of critics, the Venezuelan government is reportedly paying citizens to tweet in support of them.

Every day, the Venezuelan Ministry of Communications tweets a “hashtag of the day”, not only for accounts of elected officials and state sympathizers, but also for people like Rafael, who get paid to share propaganda. It is repeated by the “Digital Troops”. “You have to space them out so you don’t get blocked. Do about 100 in the morning and another 100 in the afternoon,” he says.

It is outrageous that the government is paying people to tweet state propaganda.

Can’t they use bots like everyone else?

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For more background on what’s going on and how digital propaganda activists are financially rewarded for pumping pro-government hashtags and deepfake videos, listen below. . ‘Trolled’ by BBC Trending upon BBC sound.

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Graham Cluley is an antivirus industry veteran who has worked for many security companies since the early 1990s when he created the first version of Dr. Solomon’s Antivirus Toolkit for Windows. He is now an independent security he makes regular media appearances as an analyst and an international speaker on the subject of computer he security, hackers and online he privacy. follow him on twitter @gcluleyin Mastodon @[email protected]or send him an email.



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