Dating violence is more common than people think, especially among teens and young adults. One in three of her teens in the United States experienced physical, sexual, or emotional abuse from someone she had a relationship with before adulthood, nearly half (43%) ) college students report experiencing violent or abusive dating behavior.

Every February, young people and their loved ones come together across the country for a nationwide effort to raise awareness about the issue of teen dating violence. Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) This yearly month-long push focuses on advocacy and education to stop dating abuse before it starts. is proud to announce the theme for TDVAM 2021.know your worth . Know Your Worth is about learning about healthy relationships and personal development. All young people deserve healthy and loving relationships.

Take action!

Learn the Essentials of Healthy Relationships

No two relationships look the same, and while people may define a relationship differently, there are some key elements that all relationships must have in order for them to be healthy. I have.

Respect l Equality l Honesty l Trust l Communication l Boundaries l Consent

Learn the Warning Signs of Abuse

Relationships vary, and it can be difficult to tell when behavior changes from healthy to unhealthy to abusive.

Typical warning signs are:

  • Checking phone, email, and social media accounts without permission.
  • Disappoints you frequently, especially in front of others.
  • It isolates you (physically, financially, or emotionally) from friends and family.
  • Extreme jealousy or anxiety.
  • Explosive outbursts, tempers, or mood swings.
  • Any form of physical harm.
  • Possessive or controlling behavior.
  • Pressures you or forces you to have sex.

Have a courageous conversation

On campus, online, at home, at work, or even when you’re hanging out, if you find something that bothers you or notice a change in someone close to you (stop posting, miss class, email a friend, etc.) , etc.), please ask. Let them know that you are a safe place to share their experiences nonjudgmentally.

It’s okay to take it easy. “Hey, I’ve noticed he doesn’t use social media or texts much. Are you okay?”

lots of great resources

love is respect has lots of resources and learning materials for young people and adults, as well as live digital chat. Or call him 1-866-331-9474 24/7 or send LOVEIS to 22522. Parents can also call, chat, or text her to understand what someone may be going through and learn how to help.

crisis text line text HOME at 741741 for help with a variety of issues including abuse, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

rain A 24/7 sexual assault hotline that provides victim services to survivors of sexual assault. Call 800-656-HOPE or Live Chat at

runaway safe lineWe are here for young people who are thinking about running away from home or have already run away from home. It also helps teens move to a safer place or get home. Call 1-800-786-2929 or live chat at

**Angie M. Tarighi is CEO/Founder of Women’s Self-Defense Institute, which provides self-defense training, educational awareness, and personal protection products that empower women to fight crime.

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